Diet Nightmares and Successes

I've never written a blog but I've also never been so incredibly fat! This blog is for those who know me and those who don't to gain some inspiration. It's also for me- if it's out in cyber space I can't cheat and I can't fail at this. I have about 25 pairs of jeans in my closet from size 26 to 33. My goal is to go down until I am my ideal size. If I can help just one person with their weight loss goals this will be worth it.

I plan on getting embarassing on here, so be warned!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Work it Out!

Yesterday I went to sign up at the gym and despite me telling them I won't be paying for anything extra, they tried to sell me the world (as a sidenote, in 2009 I wanted to lose weight too- I spent 900 at Premier Fitness for a one year membership and 12 personal training sessions and I went once).

I purchased on New Years Day a Groupon deal for 19 bucks, I got a two month membership to the gym down the street and a 20$ giftcard for the juice bar. The sales rep who signed me up tried to sell me on buying a one year membership now for 400$.

What is wrong with sales people? I'm a sales person and if someone shuts the door in my face I've been trained to have my rebuttal's ready, but as a person I also know when I call an HR rep and they are super frustrated and busy, they don't want to deal with a new agency person right now. There is a time and a place for everything. I told the gentleman that I will only be using this two month membership and if I can commit to the full two months, I will seek him out to purchase a full year. Going to the gym is the worst experience ever when you have to sign up. They make you feel like you NEED personal training.

To top it off, you can't even work out without having a personal assessment done. I had the same thing at Premier which is how they suckered me into buying the personal training sessions. They go through how much you weigh and make you feel extremely bad about yourself so you open up your credit card and pray you're giving them enough money to make you skinny again. It's absolutely ridiculous.

On the plus side, I was able to work out for 25 minutes today. 25 whole minutes of cardio on the treadmill and eliptical machines. Neda was supposed to go with me today but she's super sick so at some point this week she will show me which resistance training I need to do. I'll have to go in the evenings for resistance training because you need to be full of protein for that. I'll be waking up at 5:45am every morning and heading to the gym for half an hour of cardio from Monday to Friday. My sister and I are going to do the Kinect in the evenings at 9pm. With this schedule, who has time for a life? Hopefully Skinny Jenn won't have to work out as often to maintain my bikini figure :)

So for all of you following this blog- if you don't have to join a gym, don't! If you can, it's literally the only way to ensure you are getting the RIGHT exercise in. The Kinect and home activities are great to get you moving but it does not compare to the machines a good reputable gym will have.... just leave your credit card at home!


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