Diet Nightmares and Successes

I've never written a blog but I've also never been so incredibly fat! This blog is for those who know me and those who don't to gain some inspiration. It's also for me- if it's out in cyber space I can't cheat and I can't fail at this. I have about 25 pairs of jeans in my closet from size 26 to 33. My goal is to go down until I am my ideal size. If I can help just one person with their weight loss goals this will be worth it.

I plan on getting embarassing on here, so be warned!

Friday, August 19, 2011

That girl's got some good jeans!

So folks.... 39 pounds down and here's the jeans you see to the side of my blog in the picture titled Tattoos. I had Ben snap some photos of me today wearing them. There's a muffin top happening, but gimme a few more weeks and it will be gone. They are comfortable enough to wear for a few hours. I can't wait to keep losing weight and trying on jeans in my closet I never thought I would wear again.

Size 28! All the clothes I've bought for my new job--- size 8 and comfortable size 8 at that!

Now I'm excited to have my picture taken.... can't wait until I hit my goal. I'm going to go back to Alicia and have my own photo session!

UPDATE: So after posting this I discovered that these actually aren't the jeans--- but guess what... the ones in the tattoo pic are a size 30--- so these ones are an even bigger accomplishment!



You look awesome! ;)

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