Diet Nightmares and Successes

I've never written a blog but I've also never been so incredibly fat! This blog is for those who know me and those who don't to gain some inspiration. It's also for me- if it's out in cyber space I can't cheat and I can't fail at this. I have about 25 pairs of jeans in my closet from size 26 to 33. My goal is to go down until I am my ideal size. If I can help just one person with their weight loss goals this will be worth it.

I plan on getting embarassing on here, so be warned!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jenny Craig

Okay so I gained back the 19 pounds I lost (almost all of them- I managed to keep off 2 or 3).

Today I called Jenny. It's like a sign- my name is Jenn- her name is Jenny. I was born in 1983, Jenny was founded in 1983.

The food arrives in the mail on Wednesday and I start this shindig on Thursday. The cost is astronomical- but I'm thinking I earn my own money- I know the value of money. If I waste this money then there is something seriously wrong with me and I deserve to be fat!

So wish me luck- I'll update this blog as I start my new Jenny Craig journey. I traded in my Kinect `Your Shape` game and pre-ordered the UFC training game. The only part of your shape I enjoyed was the cardio kick boxing. I`m thinking UFC training will be a fun way to burn off calories. I haven`t worked out since I sprained my knee and I still have issues with going for basic walks around the block so the work out will be tough- but my Jenny Craig  consultant told me I should still lose 2 lbs a week just by sticking to the food.

Oh gosh I`m SO worried about the taste of this food!



Ok I'm actually curious to know just how astronomical the cost is...and WAY more curious to know how the taste is! haha But really - in the ad it says "only $xx to sign up, plus the cost of food." Which is...? Probably, as you said, astronomical.


As soon as I start eating it I will post (probably meal by meal) what the taste is like. Cost wise is $50 plus the cost of food- well food is about $140 a week plus tax plus delivery charges. It's not much more than weekly groceries for a family of four--- unfortunately its just enough food for me (which is debatable since I can eat a whole medium pizza is on sitting). Apparently you can still eat out on the plan- but first you have to make it first the half way point to be able to do that. So I need to lose 25 pounds to be able to go out and eat and start making my own meals. Apparently a consultant will teach me how to maintain the weight loss. It will be an interested journey that's for sure. Check back next weekend and I'll post a menu with my feedback on taste.

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