Diet Nightmares and Successes

I've never written a blog but I've also never been so incredibly fat! This blog is for those who know me and those who don't to gain some inspiration. It's also for me- if it's out in cyber space I can't cheat and I can't fail at this. I have about 25 pairs of jeans in my closet from size 26 to 33. My goal is to go down until I am my ideal size. If I can help just one person with their weight loss goals this will be worth it.

I plan on getting embarassing on here, so be warned!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why I might be finished with Jenny Craig...

Howdy Folks, long time no speak!

It wasn't on purpose you know!!!! I was off to a magical land of red and khaki. Okay I'll start over.

For two weeks in September Target flew me out to Minneapolis for in depth onboarding and training so I could come back to Mississauga this week refreshed and ready to recruit (with another week left of training before I officially dive in). This blog is about my weight loss journey, but as a side note I'm going to just say Target is the most amazing company to work for! The people are incredible, the atmosphere is electric, and my job is fun already!

That being said, Minneapolis was a horrible diet experience. Breakfast every day was more or less fend for yourself in the cafeteria and I did fine. Lunch every day was provided by Target and it was usually a salad or a wrap/sandwich, so it too was fine. Dinner on the other hand was a whole different ball game. I'm talking the worst foods for a food addict to sit in front of. One night for dinner I just had a piece of cake. Seriously, a huge gigantic piece of chocolate cake. Everything in the US is giant servings. It's unreal. I felt like I had visited a mystical land where everyone just enjoys food wayyyyy too much for the waistline to handle.

And this experience taught me a huge lesson as well. Food still owns me! I am a slave to food. I love the taste, texture and quality of a great Gnocchi dish served at this Italian restaurant at the mall of America called Tucci Bennuch. It was the best pasta I have ever had. But it now sits on my conscious and weighs on my soul.

So I got back to Missisauga and thought to myself, let's step on the scale and see just how much I gained. I feared the worst. Two weeks of eating out three meals a day plus desserts and I knew the scale would read at least five pounds heavier. But here's the thing, I gained one single pound (and I weighed myself at night).

After a week of being back, I'm back to losing weight. I'm down to 146 pounds, just 6 pounds away from my goal. I haven't gone 100 percent back on Jenny either because I ran out of food and I was too embarrassed to call my consultant after dodging her emails for the two weeks I ate like a goddess. I had enough Jenny meals to eat for lunch every day.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and compared the Weight Watchers lean cuisine items to Jenny items. Some (not all) of the meals are virtually the same, yet cost at least five dollars less per meal. So I grabbed a bunch for lunch this week. If I'm still losing weight it means that I am still cutting out the larger portions, and I'm still watching what I eat. When I snack it's on dried fruits and nuts. When I eat a meal out I don't get cheese or sauces on my sandwiches and whatnot. Jenny had taught me some valuable lessons, so why does my wallet need to keep suffering?

I still have six months of Jenny membership to go where I can order food anytime I need to. And if I start gaining weight again I really will give them a call and start over. I don't think I need to at this point. I'm ready to face the world and go easy on the bread. I've proven I can eat out and still put on my skinny jeans the next day. The key is moderation, and to think twice before opening my mouth to order food.

Yesterday I cleaned my closet out of all the fat clothes I bought when I was almost two hundred pounds. It was actually a sad day to see all that money go out the door, but a great day because keeping those clothes is like telling myself it's okay to gain the weight again.

So wish me luck as I face the world alone, without Jenny. I would still call my consultant but they don't like it when people go off the food like that so I'm not about to hear the negatives. I've made up my mind, I'm ready to try the Jenny Capano diet LOL!


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