Diet Nightmares and Successes

I've never written a blog but I've also never been so incredibly fat! This blog is for those who know me and those who don't to gain some inspiration. It's also for me- if it's out in cyber space I can't cheat and I can't fail at this. I have about 25 pairs of jeans in my closet from size 26 to 33. My goal is to go down until I am my ideal size. If I can help just one person with their weight loss goals this will be worth it.

I plan on getting embarassing on here, so be warned!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The great thing about buying a size 6- even if it is from Joe Fresh :)

I've been shopping- A LOT lately!

I don't necessarily buy every time I shop.... but I am thoroughly enjoying trying clothes on I wouldn't have tried on a year ago. Oh and- there's a thrill every time I try on a smaller size--- and it actually fits.

Last week I bought a tight pair of denim shorts in a size 8... they are just slightly too tight but I didn't want to buy the next size up because what's the point, they will be too big in a few weeks.

But today--- oh yes ladies and Gentlemen (and the one person in Singapore that reads my blog- yes.... I am popular in Singapore apparently)--- I Bought a size 6. Granted it's from Joe Fresh who tends to make their sizes a little bigger than the competition, but who freaking cares? I bought a size 6. I tried on the 10 first and it was way too big. The 8 still fit too big. The 6 fit just right.

I have my ups and downs on this diet. I've written more about the ups, but that's mostly because when I am down I really don't feel like writing. The great thing about buying a size 6- even if it is from Joe Fresh- is it creates a sense of hope.

I've now lost 27 pounds. I'm past my half way point. I have a lot of working out and exercising to do that I can't do because now my knee has regressed in the worst possible way. I can't even walk the dog anymore. BUT- even if the weight loss slows down- I just bought a size 6. I think I can handle it :)


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